prof. Ing. Zuzana Dvořáková, CSc.

Digitalization brings pros and cons to labor relations. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, digital well-being has become a topic for human resource departments due to telework risks at the home office. Some employees work for longer hours, face higher demands, and become unable to switch off. So, they get under stress and suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. The paper aims at the impact of the home office on employees' well-being and outlines which practices can be used to maintain work-life balance and digital well-being at the home office. The paper uses a combination of on-the-desk analysis of secondary sources, a questionnaire survey in the Czech Republic in 2022, and one case study based on semi-structured interviews with human resources managers about several aspects of sustainable work at the home office in 2023. Findings show that it is essential for employers and employees to work together to ensure a safe and healthy home office environment. Regular communication, training, and adherence to occupational safety and health guidelines can help mitigate risks and promote well-being for remote workers. As technology becomes more integrated into daily lives, it is crucial to establish healthy boundaries and habits to avoid the harmful effects of excessive screen time and digital overload. Human resource management identifies practices and accents training to promote sustainable work at the home office, like setting boundaries between home and work tasks, time management, and physical and mental health care.
Occupational health and safety (OSH) concern all developed economies. Digital transformation and innovations cause as a side effect of working environment musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). They have become a long-time work-related health problem and remain the most common occupational disease in the EU. Gender, age, and lifestyle influence differences in musculoskeletal disorders' prevalence and occupational consequences, lower productivity, sick leaves, and early retirement. The most prevalent symptoms of MSDs are in the lower back, neck, and shoulder regions, wrist pains, and eye syndrome. The paper aims at health and safety at work with an accent on MSDs and risk prevention. The methodology uses a combination of on-the-desk analysis of papers from the Web of Science and two narrative cases about the situation in the Czech Republic – one about OSH in micro and small enterprises and the second one about the digital well-being of higher education lecturers. Public administration encourages MSDs prevention on the national level through campaigns and education programs. Employers can develop MSD prevention that can include various provisions; the minimum consists of complying with the OSH legislation, monitoring risk factors at workplaces, using protective equipment, and offering stretch training exercises.
Ve světě je několik trendů v oblasti BOZP založených na nových technologiích. Rámcem pro řízení bezpečnosti práce se stává ISO 45001. Technologie big data a prediktivní analytiky využívají rozsáhlá a objektivní data o minulých nehodách a data o chování pracovníků na pracovištích získaná v reálném čase díky senzorům a IoT. Slouží pro plánování efektivních inspekcí, tvorbu pracovního prostředí, organizaci pracovních podmínek a režimů práce, které snižují únavu, stres a počet pracovních úrazů.
Článek charakterizuje roli personálního managementu ve firmě v kontextu proměn české ekonomiky a možném přínosu personalistiky ke zlepšení kvality pracovního života. Personální útvar je závislý na velikosti a segmentu ekonomické činnosti firmy, názoru vlastníka o přínosu personálních procesů k přidané hodnotě firmy a na změnách v pracovních vztazích. Neznámou budoucnosti je vytváření nových personálních pozic a jejich vliv na motivovanost zaměstnanců.

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